Are you the milk-in-first type of person?

This is a never ending debate amongst the British... It is the subject of various discussions and opinions.

In a survey administrated to 110 people from the UK it has been shown that 67% add milk first and  33% add sugar first.

But what about the French? Does the same debate exist amongst the French tea consumers? That’s a particularly interesting question especially when you know that the habit of pooring milk in your tea reportedly started in France. Madame de Sévigné reported that it all started with Madame de la Sablière who thought it was her taste. So we tried to figure out, through our survey, if the debate is as strong as in the UK.

Here is what we discovered:
5% add milk
19% add sugar
13% add lemon
62% drink it without anything else in it.

Amongst those who add milk and sugar to their tea 33% add sugar first, 19% add milk first and the others just don't care about the order.

We can thus conclude that the country from where “Milk in the tea” originally comes from: 
1 - doesn’t add milk anymore (only 5%), French prefer drinking tea without any additional ingredients.
2  -  unlike the British, they are more the pour-in sugar first type of persons.

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