140 years of History (well in fact since it was created in 1867, it should be 147, but that number isn’t nice enough for their storytelling).
Kousmichoff tea was created in 1867 by Pavel Kousmichoff in Saint Petersburg. He also started businesses in London and Paris. After passing it on to his son and then his grandson, it was bought by Sylvain Orebi 10 years ago. On their website they say it was bought by the “Orebi brothers”, to have the same “family” identification as the Kousmichoff family. The story they give to the creation of Kusmi is very personal, and we can identify ourselves to them, because Pavel Kousmichoff is a self-made man.

When taking over Kousmichoff tea, Sylvain Orebi had a great basis that he transformed into a complete brand story.
They go even further by giving a proper story to some of their teas. For example the Bouquet of Flowers N°111 tea: “Created by Pavel Kousmichoff in 1880 in honor of the birth of his eldest daughter, Elisabeth, Bouquet of Flowers No. 108 is Kusmi Tea’s oldest recipe.». Thus, in their storytelling, there are a lot of teas that were initially created by the Russian founder, that he numbered to be more easily identified today.
The story telling is so complete that we even ask ourselves what is true and what isn’t. How can they possibly know all that about the founding family? How can we know that Pavel started by initiating himself to tea by drinking Yunnan tea? It’s a perfectly well made story telling, rather everything is true or not, that still remains uncertain, but that’s the objective of a storytelling right? It allows their customers to identify themselves more easily to the brand. To know that their tea was initially created for the Tsar might give it a certain “taste” of royalty and reason to be. Since it was a tea created and appreciated by the most regarding people, then the tea is one of the best.
Storytelling on their website : http://uk.kusmitea.com/our-know-how.html?SID=iiruq797onk28co5n2rkvfgsa1&___store=kusmi_uk&___from_store=kusmi_us_en
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